Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Diet and Exercise - Revisited.

A couple of months ago, I saw a Facebook post about an old work friend that ran the Disney Princess Half Marathon ... while 4 months pregnant!  So I told myself - okay, if she can do it then I can certainly get my act together and just start running.  Everyone has to start somewhere, right?

So one day during an IM chat, I find out that my friend - and fellow blogger - Jen, has also decided to start training for the DPHM!  Okay - now I'm really all set.  I was all gung ho about dressing up like a princess and pounding pavement through Disney World, but now knowing that I'll have a friend there?  Totally awesome.  She told me about the Couch Potato to 5K app for iPhone, so I promptly downloaded the app and couldn't WAIT to get started.

I started my first official run day on an unfamiliar, outdoor trail and decided to break in my Vibram Five Finger shoes as well.  Ha...ha...bad idea.  The trail was great, but I've sworn off those shoes for running until I can flawlessly run a 5K.  Yowsa, was I ever sore.  Back to the good 'ol Asics.  I'm still wearing the Vibrams for walking though - they are quite comfy!

So I'm now on Week 4 Day 2 of the C25K program.  Day 1 of the new week is always tough for me.  I'm actually already thinking of repeating a day, but I'm okay with that.  I'd rather do it right and gain something from it, than do it half way and move on to the next week only making it harder on myself.  Luckily, today we're having amazing weather - the high is only 63 degrees!  I'm really looking forward to running the trail today.  I'll let you know how it goes!